Our Family Picture

Our Family Picture
this picture is a bit old people have changed their hairstyle and also grown and matured.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Field Trip to the Maine State House

On January 6th the swearing in ceremony of the legislative officers took place in the Maine State House. We had been invited by the Secretary of State, Matt Dunlap, and had a great time. The children learned a lot about the American Government and about Maine in particular. After the ceremony, which was held by Governor Baldacci, we were all invited to his house to have some refreshments. This was most exciting for all of us and I have to say the children behaved GREAT! We are so proud of them. They sat still for the entire time and listened. They talked with the people very nice and politely. We were impressed and happy to see that all the work we put forth in raising them proper really paid off.
I like the pictures with Teri and Governor Baldacci. He was very friendly and open and talked to all the children (Baldacci not Teri:)

Am 6. Januar hat die Vereidigungs Zeremonie fuer die Mitarbeiter der Regierung hier in Maine stattgefunden. Wir hatten eine Einladung und sind mit den Kindern hingegangen. Das war ein tolles Erlebnis fuer uns und fuer die Kinder. Der Governor von Maine hat die Zeremonie abgehalten und uns alle danach in sein Hause eingeladen. Das war toll vorallem aber zu sehen wie super die Kinder sich verhalten haben. Sie waren vorbildlich und haben nett mit jedem gesprochen und sich einfach vorbildlich verhalten. Das tut schon gut wenn man sieht das all die Arbeit die man reingesteckt hat sich auszahlt:)


  1. Love It! I home school to and am always looking for educational ideas for field trips. What a great thing for your kids to do, and isn't it nice when they actually behave :)

  2. You are right; it is nice when they behave:)
    What field trips are you doing? I am also always looking for more and better ideas:)


Emma watching the squirrels

Emma watching the squirrels
Emma schaut aus dem grossen Fenster und freut sich ueber all die Eichhoernchen die da draussen rumspringen:)

Page's 15th birthday!

Page's 15th birthday!
Finally 15! Only one more year until she is 16. We still try to figuere out what that is suppose to mean:)

Mein Geburtstag

Mein Geburtstag
Ah Endlich! Geschenke:)

My birthday!

My birthday!
Mein Geburtstag! Ich bin ganz beschaeftigt meine Geschenke aufzu machen. I am busy opening presents and cannot look into the camera:)

Mama's Geburtstag

Mama's Geburtstag
Die kleinen haben sich gefreut mal wieder Gebrtstag zu feiern. The little ones were excited to get some more cake:)

Nochmal Teri's Geburtstag!

Nochmal Teri's Geburtstag!
Teri war an seinem Geburtstag nicht zu Hause weil er ein Training hatte, aber am naechsten Morgen bekam er dann seine Geschenke!

Teri's birthday! Teri's Geburtstag!

Teri's birthday! Teri's Geburtstag!
Teri with some of the children. Teri mit einigen der Kindern an seinem Geburtstag. Er kam gerade vom Training zurueck und wurde natuerlich gleich von allen ueberfallen:)

Teri's Birthday!

Teri's Birthday!
We are all eating Teri's cake which I baked for him. It was yummy:)

Unser Haus in Old Town/ Our house in Old Town

Unser Haus in Old Town/ Our house in Old Town
Das ist die Garage und der Seiteneingang. Links davon ist der Garten. This is the garage and the side few of the house. On the left side is the yard.

Haus/ house

Haus/ house
Das ist der Eingang. Entrance

Noch mal der hintere Teil vom Haus

Noch  mal der hintere Teil vom Haus

Der vordere Teil vom Haus

Der vordere Teil vom Haus

Unser Garten

Unser Garten

Christmas Market in Wuerzburg

Christmas Market in Wuerzburg
2007 on the Wuerzburg Christmas Market. There is a lot of food to eat and beautyful things to see.

Wuerzburg Christmas Market

Wuerzburg Christmas Market
Some of the traditional sweets we eat around Christmas

Nativity Szene at the Market

Nativity Szene at the Market
Some of our Christmas Market have live anilmals there to pet and the horses to ride

Horseback riding at the Christmas Market

Horseback riding at the Christmas Market
Jesse enjoys his ride. I wonder what the horse thinks about that:)

More Christmas Market

More Christmas Market
It is really a lot of fun to go through the market


Thanksgiving 2008 at our house

Thanksgiving 2008 at our house
The Family was over and this is us giving out some ideas to what we are thankful for.

2008 Bangor Christmas Ball

2008 Bangor Christmas Ball
Our two oldest had a great time at the Christmas Ball. Here they are in the pyramid with (from the top) Timothy, Morgan (right) John, Thomas (lower right), Mario (in the middle) and Steven


What a cutie

School Background


Group Bath

Group Bath
The three little Ones taking a bath. Sami could not join them yet; to dangerous:)


KENNY, ME and one of our girls