On January 6th the swearing in ceremony of the legislative officers took place in the Maine State House. We had been invited by the Secretary of State, Matt Dunlap, and had a great time. The children learned a lot about the American Government and about Maine in particular. After the ceremony, which was held by Governor Baldacci, we were all invited to his house to have some refreshments. This was most exciting for all of us and I have to say the children behaved GREAT! We are so proud of them. They sat still for the entire time and listened. They talked with the people very nice and politely. We were impressed and happy to see that all the work we put forth in raising them proper really paid off.
I like the pictures with Teri and Governor Baldacci. He was very friendly and open and talked to all the children (Baldacci not Teri:)
I like the pictures with Teri and Governor Baldacci. He was very friendly and open and talked to all the children (Baldacci not Teri:)
Am 6. Januar hat die Vereidigungs Zeremonie fuer die Mitarbeiter der Regierung hier in Maine stattgefunden. Wir hatten eine Einladung und sind mit den Kindern hingegangen. Das war ein tolles Erlebnis fuer uns und fuer die Kinder. Der Governor von Maine hat die Zeremonie abgehalten und uns alle danach in sein Hause eingeladen. Das war toll vorallem aber zu sehen wie super die Kinder sich verhalten haben. Sie waren vorbildlich und haben nett mit jedem gesprochen und sich einfach vorbildlich verhalten. Das tut schon gut wenn man sieht das all die Arbeit die man reingesteckt hat sich auszahlt:)
Love It! I home school to and am always looking for educational ideas for field trips. What a great thing for your kids to do, and isn't it nice when they actually behave :)
ReplyDeleteYou are right; it is nice when they behave:)
ReplyDeleteWhat field trips are you doing? I am also always looking for more and better ideas:)